Changing the way I share content
There’s always been something about social media that I couldn’t quite get as a marketing tool. I’m pretty sure that it’s mainly because I was never very good at using, but with all the hype about privacy concerns and data leaks I’m going to be making some changes. I’ll be changing the way I share content.
The 24th of January 2014 marked the beginning of my transition from ljfoto.co.uk to migueljustino.com. It’s main reason for existing was to showcase some of my portfolio while allowing me to host client galleries without heavily depending on 3rd parties.
Since then there have been considerable changes with many long nights developing features and fixing bugs. The time has now come to re-evaluate the purpose of my website and also see how it can free me up a little. What does that mean for you? Well, when your photographer is happier and more inspired, it can only lead better service and better images!
So, in changing the way I share content, I intend to refocus new publications on my website. Now don’t get me wrong, nobody’s leaving social media here! That’s not the idea. In all probability, I’ll be linking site posts there too.
So in order to get the ball rolling, here’s the opening post!
… and in case you’re wondering, this photo was taken in Antigua Guatemala, Guatemala’s most popular location for destination weddings!